What Has More Vitamin C Than An Orange

What Has More Vitamin C Than An Orange

6 Foods With More Vitamin C Than an Orange

There are more ways than one to get a boost of vitamin C!

When it comes to getting enough vitamin C, oranges have reigned supreme as the go-to source. And with 70 mg of vitamin C in one medium-sized navel orange, one serving is about all you need to meet you daily dose (the Daily Value for vitamin C is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men). Vitamin C is important for collagen synthesis, helps keep our immune system healthy, fights free radicals in your body and boosts iron absorption for vegetarians and vegans. Luckily, most of us get enough vitamin C daily and aren't at risk for a vitamin C deficiency. But when you're looking for other ways to get this essential nutrient in your diet, here are six foods that have more vitamin C than an orange.


broccoli and mushrooms on a stone tray

When people think of vitamin C, the first thing that (probably) comes to mind is citrus fruit. So, it's surprising to hear that some veggies have *even* more vitamin C than an orange—but it's true! One cup of chopped broccoli has 81 mg of vitamin C. And if you're looking for delicious ways to enjoy this veggie, try this foolproof Sautéed Broccoli with Peanut Sauce that even the pickiest eaters will love.


Citrus fruit, step aside. There are plenty of other fruits that probably aren't on your radar that are packed with tons of vitamin C. A single serving—or two kiwis—provides 137 mg of vitamin C. With almost double the amount of vitamin C than an orange, you'll want to be snacking on Chocolate-Pistachio Kiwi or Strawberry-Kiwi Cheesecake Toast as soon as possible.

Bell Peppers

Spanakopita Stuffed Peppers

Whether you're dealing with the red, yellow or green variety, bell peppers have more than enough vitamin C to meet your daily needs. A medium-sized red bell pepper has 152 mg, a medium-sized green bell pepper has 96 mg and a medium-sized yellow bell pepper has 218 mg. But if you can't stomach biting into a bell pepper like an apple (we don't blame you) try slicing them and dipping them into hummus or using them for this Roasted Bell Pepper Salad with Mozzarella & Basil.


This often overlooked fruit is surprisingly nutritious! With only 37 calories, 8 grams of carbs and 3 grams of fiber per fruit, you may want to consider adding this fruit to your regular rotation. Not to mention, a single fruit has 126 mg of vitamin C. Be sure to eat the rind, as that's where much of the vitamin C lives.




Another overlooked tropical fruit, papaya is very similar in texture to mango, and a one-cup serving has 88 mg of vitamin C. Try it with some fresh squeezed lime juice or in a recipe, like this Shredded Pork and Fruit Relish or Glazed Tropical Fruit Pie.

Nutrition facts from USDA Food Composition Databases.

What Has More Vitamin C Than An Orange

Source: https://www.eatingwell.com/article/2052728/6-foods-with-more-vitamin-c-than-an-orange/


Taking Too Much Vitamin C

Taking Too Much Vitamin C

  • Amount of Vitamin C
    • What is the recommended dose of vitamin C?
  • Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms
    • What are the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency?
  • Center
    • What Happens If You Take Too Much Vitamin C? Center

too much vitamin c

Although exceeding the recommended amount of vitamin C is unlikely to be life-threatening, these are the potential side effects of taking too much vitamin C.

Taking more than the recommended amount of vitamin C, which is more than 2,000 milligrams per day, results in side effects such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Heartburn
  • Insomnia (sleeping disorder)
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Kidney stones
  • Hair loss
  • Irritability
  • Epistaxis (bleeding through the nose)
  • Menstrual abnormalities
  • Weight loss
  • Altered mental status
  • Seizures
  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Bone fractures
  • Drying of the mucus membranes
  • Bleeding per rectum

Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid, which is one of the essential water-soluble vitamins for the body that is naturally available in all vegetables and fruits. It is an antioxidant that is believed to prevent you from getting sick because it boosts immunity, maintains normal blood pressure, prevents inflammation and increases collagen content in the skin.

Although excess intake of vitamin C may not be life-threatening, it can cause several side effects. Because vitamin C is water-soluble, the body can easily expel it through urine and feces, and serious adverse effects of vitamin C toxicity are rare.

What is the recommended dose of vitamin C?

According to the National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C with regard to sex and physical condition of a person is described below.

Table 1. RDA of vitamin C for healthy adults and children (in mg)
Age group RDA
0 to 6 months* 40
7 to 12 months* 50
1 to 3 years 15
4 to 8 years 25
9 to 13 years 45
14 to 18 years (males) 75
14 to 18 years (females) 65
19 years and older (males) 90
19 years and older (females) 75
*Vitamin C requirements of infants should be met through the diet.
Table 2. RDA of vitamin C in special situations
Pregnant teens and adolescents (14 to 18 years old) 80 mg
Pregnant women (19 years old and older) 85 mg
Lactating or breastfeeding teens and adolescents (14 to 18 years old) 115 mg
Lactating or breastfeeding women (19 years old and older) 120 mg
Smokers Additional 35 mg beyond the RDA as smoking depletes vitamin C levels in the body

Vitamin C is responsible for the absorption of dietary iron, so people with increased iron stores in the body (hemochromatosis) must reduce their intake of vitamin C. Usually, the body absorbs less than 50 percent of the ingested vitamin C, so there are fewer chances of overdosing on the vitamin. However, an overdose of vitamin C in people with hemochromatosis may lead to life-threatening tissue damage.

Since they may interact unfavorably with medicines used to treat cancer and heart diseases, a doctor's approval is required before taking any vitamin C supplements. Additionally, the development of kidney stones has been linked to vitamin C supplementation.


Next to red peppers, you can get the most vitamin C from ________________. See Answer

What are the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency?

Whenever there is a vitamin C deficiency, health professionals recommend supplements to rectify the deficiency and allow normal functioning of the body.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include:

  • Gum bleeding and tooth loss
  • Weight gain without any obvious cause
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Weak bones
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Rough and bumpy skin
  • Corkscrew-shaped body hair
  • Bright red hair follicles
  • Spoon-shaped fingernails (may have red spots or lines on them)
  • Dry and damaged skin
  • Bruises (easily formed)
  • Anemia (due to chronic iron deficiency)
  • Tiredness and low mood
  • Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation
  • Stone formation in the kidneys

Consumption of too many vitamin C supplements might have serious side effects. However, consumption of excess vitamin C–rich food does not develop negative effects. If a person wants to initiate vitamin supplements and has a history of adverse reactions due to vitamin C, they must consult their physician.

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Medically Reviewed on 9/10/2021


Vitamin C: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-Consumer/

Does Getting More Vitamin C Really Keep You From Getting Sick?: https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2020/apr/does-getting-more-vitamin-c-really-keep-you-from-getting-sick/

Vitamin C: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=19&contentid=vitaminc

Taking Too Much Vitamin C

Source: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_happens_if_you_take_too_much_vitamin_c/article.htm
